Sexual Assault Prevention Online Course for Students

All incoming University of Minnesota students are required to complete an online course that provides information on preventing sexual misconduct, including fostering healthy relationships, understanding key elements of consent, and developing bystander intervention skills.  The course also provides information about responding supportively when sexual misconduct does occur and includes UMN-specific resources for support and reporting. 

At the beginning of their first semester, students are assigned the course tailored to their specific student status as follows:

  • Undergraduate students under 25 years old are assigned the course “Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduate Students”
  • Undergraduate students 25 years and older are assigned the course “Sexual Assault Prevention for Adult Learners” 
  • Graduate and professional students are assigned the course “Sexual Assault Prevention for Graduate Students”

Once assigned, the course can be accessed by following these steps:

  1. Go to the Vector Solutions website for University of Minnesota - Twin Cities at
  2. Log in using your UMN username and password
  3. Under My Assignments, find the course(s) you are assigned and click “Start”

We recognize that the course content may be upsetting.  If, at any point, a student needs to be exempted from the requirement to complete this course, they may email staff at The Aurora Center at [email protected] to request that exemption. 

If you have any questions or concerns related to the course, please contact   [email protected].